Acts of Kindness

3 min readDec 11, 2020


Kindness is the value or quality of being considerate, generous, friendly, warmth, gentleness and compassion. There are many more words which define kindness. If we go inside the word kindness it, it has a deep connection with humbleness.

It can be speaking politely while others criticize you, sharing some water bottle with street vendors, giving food to stray animals, helping some elder to cross the road, sharing some study material with your friend and many more like this. Kindness does not means that need to put an extra effort, just a smile can make the day of your father.

Here are some acts of kindness that made my day and I feel very proud of myself. Try this, you will also feel inner peace and happiness.

Aid with Other’s Work

My younger sister has to wind up all the kitchen tasks after dinner. Today, she was not feeling well. So, I took the task , completed and made some coffee for her.

Help to Do Something Others Don’t Feel Confident About

So, yesterday my mom had to attend a function. She doesn’t know much about make up and all the stuff related to it, I help my mon to get ready. I did my mom’s makeup and I felt very proud and happy after doing this.

Having a Conversation with Friend

I called my dear friend after a long time. We were not in contact due to busy schedule. So, listen her stories and shared and remembered some university memories. That was the great time I spent in these 24 hours.

A little bit Home tasks

We have grown some vegetables in our home, its a small field, you may say we have grown. As I said earlier, my mom was busy, so I plucked vegetables like spinach, radish etc. early morning because that’s the best time to harvest vegetables.

Family Time

Due to rise of second wave of corona in country, students were sent to their homes. So, it was pleasure to have some fun time with my brothers who came after a long time and to cook some foods (Biryani) of their taste.




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