Eat that Frog: Stop Procrastination with Pomodoro Technique

2 min readJan 1, 2021


“Procrastination” everyone of us face this problem before starting a task or even during the task. We delay our tasks with the mind that we will work on it later on and when deadlines are reached a panic situation starts and work is not done smoothly and properly. Procrastination is the “frog” that delay our tasks ultimately increase frustration, stress and poor performance.

Pomodoro is a technique which is used to increase productivity. In this technique we break our work in 25 minutes time intervals with five minutes short breaks. It really helps in enhancement of productivity during studying, increase planning ability and helps to keep us motivated. It helps in decrease in procrastination and empowers us to be boss of ourselves.

I try to use this technique during working on a project, completing online course and doing house chores. While completing Amal Academy’s online course I set up 25 minutes timer. As I love to complete course in one go, I give an award after completing one part of course. This helps me to work with more concentration, and I don’t get bored. These are some outcomes that I gained by Pomodoro Technique:

  1. I really enjoyed doing my work by setting a timer and I managed my worked according to timer
  2. It helped me to work in limited time period and after repeating this process for almost 3 times it made me more confident to work set schedule
  3. I would love to carry on this technique in my daily life.

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“Eat that frog before it eats you”




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