Get Your Goals by Making them SMART
Want to achieve your goals? Have not any idea about how to get your goals ?Or are you wondering where to take a start?
Here is solution of your confusion. Make your Goals smart. But here is the question “ How one can make his/her goals SMART? In this article you will know all about SMART goals and how to make your goals smart with an example of my own.
So, let’s get started!
Smart goals are those which are Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant and Time bound. So, what does it means by specific. Specific means what results you want from it and how will you do that. Similarly, measurable is defined by exact measurements of time or quantity of work you will do to achieve your goal. Next is actionable, which means can you achieve your goal with your abilities while relevant means these smart goals should have a link with your long term goals. Lastly, time bound stands for the ending line or time in which your goal will end.
To understand how to make your own smart goals, you can take a look at my SMART goal.
I have a personal goal that want to earn money through freelancing. Let’s take a look on my SMART goal.
How I have specified my goal?
I have specified my goal of becoming a freelancer by taking online course of “Virtual Assistant” and alongside I am also learning “ web designing” from my brother.
Is my goal measurable?
I want to work in two fields of freelancing and I work on daily as well as weekly basis.
What about actions?
I have made my goal actionable through online session of an organization. other than this I am taking some sessions face to face.
How my goal is relatable to my long term goal?
My goal is relatable to my long term goal also and I want to keep it as a source of passive income alongside my related profession.
What is deadline?
As my online session will end at the end of 2020, I am going to achieve it in next year.
I have started taking steps towards my goal and by making it SMART hope to reach towards my goal in mentioned time.
Just Start
As I am taking a start as Virtual Assistant and I want to start as product description writer as my first step, I have made a file of top ranked new writers and I daily check if they are receiving any orders. I am doing this to make my first gig by taking a look at their profile. So, here is the first step I have taken in this week.
#Amal Academy